390 Days of Quarantine

08 April 2021

Everything felt 'extra' today.
Extra sad.
Extra gloomy.
Extra lethargic.
Today is Day 390 since we first started community quarantine. 

I started feeling hopeful in February when COVID cases seemed to have gone down, but at the same time I felt worried when my social media feed started flooding with pictures of family get-togethers and travel. I would often ask myself if I was being unusually paranoid (kasi paranoid na talaga ako kahit wala pang pandemic) for not wanting to go out pa din or even think about the prospect of travel, being in an enclosed space with strangers who might be silent carriers of the virus. As the realist in me expected, it wasn't long after that cases started climbing again... and here we are. All hospitals in the NCR+ bubble are now all maxed out beyond capacity and names of victims this pandemic is claiming is starting to include names of people we know.

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Meanwhile, I just realized that it has been 150 days since I last wrote an entry to this blog.

I filled those 5 months being productive with our business meetings (we've probably hosted 300 online meetings in the last 12 months), the creation of visual materials for our events, the launch of a feeding program for calamity victims that has raised close to 60,000 meals. When I write it down like this, doesn't seem such a bad use of my 150 days. 

Tomorrow's a new day. Here's to hoping you're safe and healthy. 🙏

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