The Ultimate 5-Minute Plank Workout

I have set a wellness goal for 2017 to exercise at least 3x a week and I’ve totally been clueless about what activity to pick that would fit my schedule. I found what initially seemed like a simple plank routine on but had me breaking out in sweat after just 5 minutes! I knew it was effective because my core muscles were aching just 8 hours after doing the 5-minute routine. At this stage of my life where I’m juggling time for my 3 kids, an ongoing home renovation, and a business, this is the perfect solution to my Mommy-Tummy Core Strengthening problems. Takes 5 minutes, no equipment needed!

According to, “the PLANK is one of the best exercises for the core because it builds isometric strength to help SCULPT THE WAISTLINE and IMPROVE POSTURE” (read more about isometric exercises here: There are many plank variations that engage the back, arms, shoulders, and legs. Yay for this!

When I tried reformer pilates and yoga several years ago, I noticed that I did not have much strength in my arms and would find it difficult to hold myself up, let alone do a push-up. It was always a one-way push-up! Going down, never being able to push myself back up. This is why I found planks as the perfect quickie workout that can strengthen my core and strengthen my arms. ;-)

Here's my take for every type of plank on my first try:

1. FULL PLANK (1 minute)
It felt easy enough in the first 10 seconds. But as I watched the timer cross to 20, I started to feel the burn on my arms! I had to do major core tightening to maintain the plank.

2. ELBOW PLANK (30 seconds)
This one was a bit more challenging. I really felt the strain on my upper arms! I had to relax my muscles with yoga's child's pose once the 30 seconds was up.

3. RAISED-LEG PLANK (30 seconds per side)
I didn't do a full raised-leg plank but instead opted to rest my foot on top of the other. I barely made it to 30 seconds per side!

4. SIDE PLANK (30 seconds per side)
I have yet to complete the 30 seconds per side for this plank! Given that I already found the elbow plank challenging for my arms, I just bit my lip as I supported my plank with just one arm! I could only do 15 seconds. For now.

5. FULL PLANK (30 seconds)
This was refreshing stretch for my arms but since I have started to feel some strain on my arms, I had to focus and just breathe steadily to complete the 30 seconds.

6. ELBOW PLANK (1 minute)
With my arms starting to give up and my sweat starting to break out, I barely made it to the end of the 1 minute elbow plank! I never knew such a simple looking pose can require so much muscle control.

Let's see how effective this 5-Minute in sculpting my waistline and improving my posture!


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